Reggae Happenins with Phillip G Henry
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is reggae happenings on 91.5 Jazz and more. Yes, Russ. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 0:13
I could probably do the boiler on sometime today. Yes. Yes. So our life is treating you right.
Unknown Speaker 0:24
live right now is not too bad. Don't you know, like everybody else just trying to factor this good. Yeah. And you're gonna struggle but you know. John is good all the time.
Unknown Speaker 0:37
Yes, sir. And keep on praising him when he wins. So tell us about your lifestyle. What were you born at?
Unknown Speaker 0:46
Well, I was born in Kingston, Jamaica in 1957. August 20.
Unknown Speaker 0:51
Unknown Speaker 0:53
I, my parents took me from there. Jamaica. Yes. Great. In Birmingham. All right. And I was school there, and I grew up there. Okay. And I spent at least 27 years Yes, sir. Yeah, at least at 27 years before I came to the United States. Yes. About 8687. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:20
Yes, sir. And you've been playing music all your life?
Unknown Speaker 1:25
Yes. Well, I started at the age of five. My father was a bishop, a preacher, man. Okay. So I started my mother bought me. Yes, the piano. I started the piano at the age of five. And then I moved on to the guitar at about seven. My father's guitar. When he went to work, I used to steal his guitar or the case and plays it and then one day got me. He found that interested me so eventually, I gotta get out somehow. I don't know. I got one.
Unknown Speaker 1:58
So Phil, if I'm an instrument do you play
Unknown Speaker 2:02
for that? Well, I don't know. Maybe 40 instruments. Maybe
Unknown Speaker 2:09
you played for the instrument, even different type of instrument?
Unknown Speaker 2:13
At least I know as I can play the trumpet besides the trombone, the harp organ. Drums, yes. bass, guitar, piano. So all kinds of things.
Unknown Speaker 2:27
I know say, I know you're top a keyboard and basically, we play a lot together. So tell God so today Oh, did you came to Las Vegas?
Unknown Speaker 2:39
I was touring with a band that we came to was never the burger. Rising lion. Yeah, right in line I think was Yeah. My friend Danielle. We came to Vegas in about 96 setting 96 And then yes, all
Unknown Speaker 3:02
the time. All the time. She just stood them tennis.
Unknown Speaker 3:06
Yeah, the club though. The blues are Regan goos club don't don't don't Fremont Fremont Street. Yes. Remember those? Yes. That's Naja and all these people's I met up with like to play so that say well, you know? Yes. Like it there.
Unknown Speaker 3:20
Yes. Either stays here.
Unknown Speaker 3:22
Yes. As theater. Yeah. I mean air from what I was going back and forth for from air to New York. Because that's where I was living, you know? Yes. Yes. And eventually I just moved there. I think it was the year 2000 I think I moved there. I've been here ever since. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 3:40
Yeah, man. So give me some other names bands to tour with while you're playing his music in England and stuff.
Unknown Speaker 3:48
Well in England, mostly local bands. And I joined a very famous band called The J A ln, man and it stands for just another lonely night a lot of
Unknown Speaker 4:08
what instrument we're playing that band.
Unknown Speaker 4:10
That band I played guitar mainly but in the studio. We did a lot of different instruments, keyboards, and yes, based on so forth, okay. A lot of the albums that we made
Unknown Speaker 4:23
so do you ever name of those items that I work with are the people you work with in England
Unknown Speaker 4:31
in anything more in one time, when I was in London I was working with working with a lot of a lot of offered covering bands a lot of they balance a lot of bands, such
Unknown Speaker 4:44
as band like
Unknown Speaker 4:48
boy if I can remember these names though.
Unknown Speaker 4:50
Reggae reggae bands. Yeah, a lot
Unknown Speaker 4:53
of reggae bands. Oh, one band was MATIC 16 with a great friend of mine, Patrick. Okay. What I'm gonna play for Ub 40 in his brother, okay. And some other different peoples, but a man stands at the age of 65 My memory now is not so good. I've done so much. Yes, yes some of the other reggae bands like she's the girl. I play with Sister garos.
Unknown Speaker 5:24
Carolyn was deployed in the States.
Unknown Speaker 5:28
In the states the Galra played. I did a lot of gospel work as well as he, yes, she. I came from that background I played with from New Jersey, the SLP choral Natalie Wilson. Okay, Joe Watson, these peoples, okay. And I work a lot with Donnie McClurkin who that's not the McClurkin the famous gospel singer. Okay. McLaughlin, and then I did some stuff with the widens, okay. I mean, one time
Unknown Speaker 6:04
I played with Andrew crouch and Andrew gross Yeah, he
Unknown Speaker 6:09
was on the same bill. Yes. Mary Mary at one time did a track from every marriage. Okay. I used to play the wildlands by so many people and I a lot of people's like, I remember I played a lot of play with body masa was a keyboard
Unknown Speaker 6:35
player for a while. But Mars
Unknown Speaker 6:39
Yes. From the band of gypsies with Jimi Hendrix.
Unknown Speaker 6:42
Unknown Speaker 6:45
You want I was going to play with very well as loved one time from Supremes. Whoa, yes. A lot of people start
Unknown Speaker 6:53
Yes. Because a man like you play so many different instruments and people want
Unknown Speaker 6:58
a lot a lot a lot of people a lot a lot of different people
Unknown Speaker 7:02
understand so many albums. Do you record for yourself rare? Oh, now
Unknown Speaker 7:09
was that? I? Last time I counted. I have about 75 albums on my own. For yourself. Yes, for myself.
Unknown Speaker 7:19
Can you name a name is
Unknown Speaker 7:24
that's the thing. Boy, I got to remember. I can't remember the names because I used to just record because I've recorded equipments. Yes. This constantly recorded night of the night they have that ever do for years. Okay. 3040 years though. Right in songs because I sing I plan to
Unknown Speaker 7:42
do everything, by myself Understand, understand.
Unknown Speaker 7:46
And then I produce other people I produced my brother and his wife. My cousin's one of my cars away. We wonder we call them? Yes, I did. I did. Yes. And yeah. And then, you know, I lived in Europe for a while and lived in Germany and Switzerland and I recorded over there as well. I live in Germany. I'm an over at the scorpions a very famous rock band, the scorpions and I became friends with him.
Unknown Speaker 8:20
So you play you play, you play all different type of music, different sounds,
Unknown Speaker 8:28
different types. And as you know, you know me. I play all types. Electronic. Blues.
Unknown Speaker 8:37
Jazz. Yes. You know me you don't miss that. I'm a musical fanatic. I'm a fanatic when it comes to music.
Unknown Speaker 8:44
Yes. So what's the plan right or no? Are you have anything lined up towards lineup to go on tour?
Unknown Speaker 8:53
With? No, it was right now I'm back into the teaching system. Believe it or not. I started again teaching though. The elementary schools in Las Vegas. Okay. And I would call the I piano
Unknown Speaker 9:05
Yes. teaching music.
Unknown Speaker 9:10
Yes. I'm teaching the kids after school program from from three o'clock to like one hour. Yes. And that's what I'm doing now. Just started again.
Unknown Speaker 9:23
That is sounds really nice, man. So Philip was so nice talking to you. And you know, we got something going on these days.
Unknown Speaker 9:33
You and I were breadwinners. We've been together for well over 20 years as you know,
Unknown Speaker 9:38
yes, sir. Yeah, man. So nice talking to you, man. What's what's we can find your music and say we're together.
Unknown Speaker 9:47
Well, you know if people want to Google my name, Philip G. Henry. I like to use the G for George. Because there's a lot of Filipinos out there in the world. George entering you If people Google me, they can see a lot of different things. Which I've done, you know, in my career. Yes. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 10:09
And you know, all these years first from five you played a lot of music. Yes. You know, we record a lot of music my last album is your unedited yes version so everything's lovely and nice to have with you and I hope to hear from you soon and what's what's your next project? Are you got an album coming out anytime soon? Or?
Unknown Speaker 10:36
Well, you know, I work a lot with Michael black as you know, we didn't like 1050 years we have a lot of stops you know, he's actually I'm going to call him no afterwards so you can get to know him. Okay, and let me tell you more.
Unknown Speaker 10:50
All right. Nice virgin so everything is everything's lovely and nice talking to you. You know? We were gonna try to spread your musical rawness podcast and nofas isn't reserved from your music just tell me where Philip G energy
Unknown Speaker 11:13
goes to Google and respond to my name and then that's the best way to do the final stuff about me because I don't worry I'm very low key you know? Yes, yes. So I'm not I'm not out there into the public eyes like I want to be Star I've ever been on that before.
Unknown Speaker 11:31
Yes, nice. Yes, Philips so everything's good. So we will be talking to you soon and I hope this podcast will give you some energy and some uplift and get your music out there. And people who listen to you want to play the good chick you're because you're very talented musician. You play all different type of instrument. instruments as well. Reggae
Unknown Speaker 12:03
makan Jamaica. Jamaica all the time. Yes, sir. Beautiful country and I'm proud of it.
Unknown Speaker 12:11
Yes, sir. So when you think about his revenues are going to stay in here it's Dancehall and reggae. I mean
Unknown Speaker 12:19
I'm a roots man. You know, I love my roots.
Unknown Speaker 12:22
instruments on culture. The instrument?
Unknown Speaker 12:26
Yeah, I'm above value of roots and culture money, money. So the dance all that they can clean it up, clean up a little bit and make it more positive for the youth. You know? Yes. Not all these different slackness type of words. I mean, I'm not really keen on embarrassing because to me, he doesn't do do the world. Very good. We need positive love and vibration in his life.
Unknown Speaker 12:49
We love everybody. So, we want to thank you all for coming in and talk to us Phillip Sparkassen. And we're gonna spread the word around all over the world.
Unknown Speaker 13:02
Yes, sir. Just make a copy of this webcast will be certain areas as
Unknown Speaker 13:08
well. I'm gonna I'm gonna get me a copy. I'm gonna. I'm gonna get the launch. JSON. I'm gonna launch. Yes, yes,
Unknown Speaker 13:14
sir. Listen back to me to also
Unknown Speaker 13:18
when I send love with a brother. Take care of yourselves. And I'll talk to you later. All right, yes. Reggae happenings. Salah
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